Results for 'Janet M. Burke'

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  1.  67
    Freemasonry, friendship and noblewomen: The role of the secret society in bringing enlightenment thought to pre-revolutionary women elites.Janet M. Burke - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):283-293.
  2. Memory changes in healthy young and older adults.David A. Balota, Patrick O. Dolan & Janet M. Duchek - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 395--410.
    The present chapter provides a review of the literature addressing changes in memory performance in older adults (often retired individuals with an age between 60 and 80 years), compared to younger adults (often college students around age 20). While it is well-established that memory performance declines in older adults (e.g., Kausler, 1994; Ryan, 1992), it is now clear that not all aspects of memory are impaired (e.g., Balota & Duchek, 1988; Burke & Light, 1981; Craik, 1983; Schacter, Kihlstrom, Kaszniak (...)
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    The Barbarian Principle: Merleau-Ponty, Schelling, and the Question of Nature.Jason M. Wirth & Patrick Burke (eds.) - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Essays exploring a rich intersection between phenomenology and idealism with contemporary relevance.
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    Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research‐Clinical Divide.Susan M. Wolf, Wylie Burke & Barbara A. Koenig - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):486-501.
    Both bioethics and law have governed human genomics by distinguishing research from clinical practice. Yet the rise of translational genomics now makes this traditional dichotomy inadequate. This paper pioneers a new approach to the ethics of translational genomics. It maps the full range of ethical approaches needed, proposes a “layered” approach to determining the ethics framework for projects combining research and clinical care, and clarifies the key role that return of results can play in advancing translation.
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    Practicing Moral Medicine: Patient Care to Public Health.Denise M. Dudzinski & Wylie Burke - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):75-76.
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    Created by god and wired to porn: Redemptive Masculinity and Gender Beliefs in Narratives of Religious Men’s Pornography Addiction Recovery.Trenton M. Haltom & Kelsy Burke - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (2):233-258.
    The literature on hybrid masculinity suggests that some men manage subordinate or contradictory forms of masculinity while still maintaining and benefiting from gender inequality. Drawing from 35 in-depth qualitative interviews with religious participants in pornography addiction recovery programs, we expand this literature by illustrating how hybrid masculinity operates through shared cultural knowledge about sex, gender, and sexuality. We find that participants use distinct cultural schemas related to religion and science to explain how men are created by God to be biologically (...)
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    Introduction: Margin Release.Jeffrey M. Perl, Peter Burke & Colin Richmond - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):1-10.
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    A composite holographic associative recall model.Janet M. Eich - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (6):627-661.
  9.  26
    Levels of processing, encoding specificity, elaboration, and CHARM.Janet M. Eich - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (1):1-38.
  10. Moral intensity and managerial problem solving.Janet M. Dukerich, Mary J. Waller, Elizabeth George & George P. Huber - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (1):29 - 38.
    There is an increasing interest in how managers describe and respond to what they regard as moral versus nonmoral problems in organizations. In this study, forty managers described a moral problem and a nonmoral problem that they had encountered in their organization, each of which had been resolved. Analyses indicated that: (1) the two types of problems could be significantly differentiated using four of Jones' (1991) components of moral intensity; (2) the labels managers used to describe problems varied systematically between (...)
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    Beyond Mead: Symbolic Interaction between Humans and Felines.Janet M. Alger & Steven F. Alger - 1997 - Society and Animals 5 (1):65-81.
    Recent research on the cognitive abilities and emotional capacities of animals has fueled the animal rights movement and renewed debate over the differences between human and non-human animals. This debate has not been central to sociology, although George Herbert Mead drew a very hard line between humans and animals by asserting that the latter were not capable of symbolic interaction. Sociologists are now beginning to question this assumption, and this article falls within this new line of research. We begin by (...)
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  12. Cat Culture, Human Culture: An Ethnographic Study of a Cat Shelter.Janet M. Alger & Steven F. Alger - 1999 - Society and Animals 7 (3):199-218.
    This study explores the value of traditional ethnographic methods in sociology for the study of human-animal and animal-animal interactions and culture. Itargues that some measure of human-animal intersubjectivity is possible and that the method of participant observation is best suited to achieve this. Applying ethnographic methods to human-cat and cat-cat relationships in a no-kill cat shelter, the study presents initial findings; it concludes that the social structure of the shelter is the product of interaction both between humans and cats and (...)
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  13. The new black legend of Bartolomé de Las Casas : race and personhood.Janet Burke & Ted Humphrey - 2011 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a Thought. University of Notre Dame Press.
  14.  34
    Looking for Trouble and Finding It.Susan B. Trinidad, Stephanie M. Fullerton & Wylie Burke - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):15-17.
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    Troubling transnational feminism(s): Theorising activist praxis.Janet M. Conway - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (2):205-227.
    This article identifies a misfit between transnational feminist networks observed at the World Social Forum and the extant scholarship on transnational feminism. The conceptual divide is posited as one between transnational feminism understood, on the one hand, as a normative discourse involving a particular analytic and methodological approach in feminist knowledge production and, on the other, as an empirical referent to feminist cross-border organising. The author proposes that the US-based and Anglophone character of the scholarship, its post-structuralist and post-colonial genealogies (...)
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  16.  31
    The Nurse Project: an analysis for nurses to take back our work.Janet M. Rankin - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (4):275-286.
    This paper challenges nurses to join together as a collective in order to facilitate ongoing analysis of the issues that arise for nurses and patients when nursing care is harnessed for health care efficiencies. It is a call for nurses to respond with a collective strategy through which we can ‘talk back’ and ‘act back’ to the powerful rationality of current thinking and practices. The paper uses examples from an institutional ethnographic (IE) research project to demonstrate how dominant approaches to (...)
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    'Patient satisfaction': knowledge for ruling hospital reform - An institutional ethnography.Janet M. Rankin - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (1):57-65.
    ‘Patient satisfaction’: Knowledge for ruling hospital reform — An institutional ethnography Driven by funding restraint, Canadian health‐care has undergone over a decade of significant reform. Hospitals are being restructured, as text‐based practices of accountability bring a new business‐orientation into hospital and clinical management. New forms of knowledge, generated through records of various sorts, are a necessary resource for managing care in the new environment. This paper's research uses Canadian sociologist Dorothy E. Smith's institutional ethnographic methodology to critically analyse one instance (...)
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  18.  19
    Common issues, different approaches: strategies for community–academic partnership development.Janet M. Baiardi, Barbara L. Brush & Sharon Lapides - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):289-296.
    BAIARDI JM, BRUSH BL and LAPIDES S.Nursing Inquiry2010;17: 289–296 Common issues, different approaches: strategies for community–academic partnership developmentCommunities around the United States face many challenging health problems whose complexity makes them increasingly unresponsive to traditional single‐solution approaches. Multiple approaches have considered ways to understand these health issues and devise interventions that work. One such approach is community‐based participatory research. This article describes the development of a new collaborative partnership between a school of nursing and an urban social service agency using (...)
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    Symbolic Inaction in Rituals of Gender and Procreation among the Garifuna (Black Caribs) of Honduras.Janet M. Chernela - 1991 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 19 (1):52-67.
  20.  18
    The "Ideal Speech Moment": Women and Narrative Performance in the Brazilian Amazon.Janet M. Chernela - 1997 - Feminist Studies 23 (1):73-96.
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    Assemblage Thinking and Transnational/ Translocal Social Movements of the 2010s.Janet M. Conway & Sonia E. Alvarez - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (1):20.
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    Theorizing Power, Difference and the Politics of Social Change: Problems and Possibilities in Assemblage Thinking.Janet M. Conway, Michal Osterweil & Elise Thorburn - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (1):1-18.
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    Cultural Aspects of Environmental Problems: Individualism and Chemical Contamination of Groundwater.Janet M. Fitchen - 1987 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 12 (2):1-12.
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  24.  36
    Consciousness, by Josh Weisberg.Janet M. Levin - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (3):362-366.
  25. The gift of the name: Moses and the burning bush.Janet M. Soskice - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (2):231-246.
    A la question des athéismes modernes , l'A. répond par la théologie biblique qui se dégage d'Exode 3. Il s'agit du passage où Moïse dialogue avec Dieu qui a pris la forme d'un buisson ardent. Ce qui intéresse plus particulièrement l'A., c'est la révélation de son nom que Dieu fait à Moïse : YHWH, je suis celui qui est ou encore je suis qui je suis. L'A. fait une analyse narrative de la péricope. Celle-ci contient trois noms divins dont l'A. (...)
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  26.  52
    Ladies, we've been framed.Janet M. Wedel - 1978 - Theory and Society 5 (1):113-125.
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    What's wrong with the treadway commission report? Experimental analyses of the effects of personal values and codes of conduct on fraudulent financial reporting.Arthur P. Brief, Janet M. Dukerich, Paul R. Brown & Joan F. Brett - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (2):183 - 198.
    In three studies, factors influencing the incidence of fraudulent financial reporting were assessed. We examined (1) the effects of personal values and (2) codes of corporate conduct, on whether managers misrepresented financial reports. In these studies, executives and controllers were asked to respond to hypothetical situations involving fraudulent financial reporting procedures. The occurrence of fraudulent reporting was found to be high; however, neither personal values, codes of conduct, nor the interaction of the two factors played a significant role in fraudulent (...)
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  28. Sarmiento on barbarism, race, and nation building.Janet Burke & Ted Humphrey - 2011 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a Thought. University of Notre Dame Press.
  29.  56
    Values and Moral Dilemmas: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Donald L. McCabe, Janet M. Dukerich & Jane Dutton - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (2):117-130.
    M.B.A. programs in the United States continue to admit foreign students in record numbers, yet we know little about how this cultural diversity may impact the values and ethical decision making behavior of either American or foreign students. The research discussed here examined this issue within the context of a large M.B.A. program where non-U S. citizens comprise over twenty percent of the student population.Comparisons of U.S. and Asian students supported existing notions about the independent vs. interdependent conceptions of the (...)
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  30.  10
    Book Review: Transnational Feminist Itineraries: Situating Theory and Activist Practice Edited by Ashwini Tambe and Millie Thayer. [REVIEW]Janet M. Conway - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (4):602-604.
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  31.  89
    Political Affect. [REVIEW]Janet M. Phillips - 2011 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 15 (2):240-248.
  32.  66
    Children's understanding of the risks and benefits associated with research.T. M. Burke - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (12):715-720.
    Objective: The objective of the current study was to maximise the amount of information children and adolescents understand about the risks and benefits associated with participation in a biomedical research study.Design: Participants were presented with one of six hypothetical research protocols describing how to fix a fractured thigh using either a “standard” cast or “new” pins procedure. Risks and benefits associated with each of the treatment options were manipulated so that for each one of the six protocols there was either (...)
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  33.  23
    The hierarchy of evidence in advanced wound care: The social organization of limitations in knowledge.Nicola Waters & Janet M. Rankin - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12312.
    In this article, we discuss how we used institutional ethnography (Institutional ethnography as practice, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD and 2006) to map out powerful ruling relations that organize nurses’ wound care work. In recent years, the growing number of people living with wounds that heal slowly or not at all has presented substantial challenges for those managing the demands on Canada's publicly insured health‐care system. In efforts to address this burden, Canadian health‐care administrators and policy‐makers rely on scientific evidence (...)
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    Countryman, M. 179 Chomsky, N. 258 Craft, WD 136,140 Cutting, JE 190.M. A. Arbib, R. Arnheim, S. Appell, F. Attneave, R. Battison, U. Bellugi, B. Borghuis, E. Brunswik, K. Buhler & L. Burke - 2002 - In Liliana Albertazzi, Unfolding Perceptual Continua. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 283.
  35.  23
    The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Case Management on Office-Based Physician Supply in Alabama and Georgia.E. Kathleen Adams, Janet M. Bronstein & Curtis S. Florence - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (3):269-282.
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    Values and Ethical Decision-making Among Professional School Students.Donald L. McCabe, Janet M. Dukerich & Jane E. Dutton - 1992 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (3):117-136.
  37.  18
    Values and Ethical Decision-making Among Professional School Students.Donald L. Mccabe, Janet M. Dukerich & Jane E. Dutton - 1992 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (3-4):117-136.
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    A bioinformatician's view of the metabolome.Irene Nobeli & Janet M. Thornton - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (5):534-545.
    The study of a collection of metabolites as a whole (metabolome), as opposed to isolated small molecules, is a fast‐growing field promising to take us one step further towards understanding cell biology, and relating the genetic capabilities of an organism to its observed phenotype. The new sciences of metabolomics and metabonomics can exploit a variety of existing experimental and computational methods, but they also require new technology that can deal with both the amount and the diversity of the data relating (...)
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    A nutritional, haematological and sociological study of a group of Chilean Children under the age of 5 years.Roger O. Plail & Janet M. S. Young - 1977 - Journal of Biosocial Science 9 (3):353-369.
    A survey was carried out on 108 Chilean children and a selection of their families. The factors studied were: (1) social, (2) demographic and dietaryto assess the incidence and degree of malnutrition and (4) haematology—to determine the incidence of anaemia.
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    Context, values and moral dilemmas: Comparing the choices of business and law school students. [REVIEW]Donald L. McCabe, Janet M. Dukerich & Jane E. Dutton - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (12):951 - 960.
    Much has been written about the ethics and values of today's business student, but this research has generally been characterized by a variety of methodological shortcomings — the use of convenience samples, a failure to establish the relevance of comparison groups employed, attempts to understand behavior in terms of unidimensional values preselected by the researcher, and the lack of well-designed longitudinal studies. The research reported here addresses many of these concerns by comparing the values and ethical decision making behavior of (...)
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  41. Faith and T. S. Eliot's "Dry Salvages".William M. Burke - 1985 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 60 (1):49-57.
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    Postdoctoral scholars in a faculty of education: Navigating liminal spaces and marginal identities.Lydia E. Carol-Ann Burke, Jennifer Hall, Wilson A. de Paiva, Angela Alberga, Guanglun M. Mu, Jeanna P. Leigh & Monica S. Vazquez - 2017 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (4):329-348.
    The last decade has seen a slow but steady increase in the number of postdoctoral scholars employed in faculties of education. In this article, seven postdoctoral scholars who worked in the same Ca...
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    The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning: The Selected Works of Ted Wragg.Winifred M. Burke - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (4):491-494.
  44. What Will Consumers Pay for Social Product Features?Pat Auger, Paul Burke, Timothy M. Devinney & Jordan J. Louviere - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (3):281 - 304.
    The importance of ethical consumerism to many companies worldwide has increased dramatically in recent years. Ethical consumerism encompasses the importance of non-traditional and social components of a company's products and business process to strategic success - such as environmental protectionism, child labor practices and so on. The present paper utilizes a random utility theoretic experimental design to provide estimates of the relative value selected consumers place on the social features of products.
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    The effects of professional education on values and the resolution of ethical dilemmas: Business school vs. law school students. [REVIEW]Donald L. McCabe, Janet M. Dukerich & Jane E. Dutton - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (9):693-700.
    Prior research on the impact of ethics education within the business curriculum has yielded mixed results. Although the impact is often found to be positive, it appears to be both small and short-lived. Interpretation of these results, however, is subject to important methodological limitations. The present research employed a longitudinal methodology to evaluate the impact of an M.B.A. program versus a law program on the values and ethical decision making behavior of a cohort of students at two major universities in (...)
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    Languages for analysis of clerical problems.Arthur W. Burks, Irving M. Copi & Don W. Warren - unknown
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  47. 290/Name Index Bouchaud, JP 112,116 Bousquet, GH 230 Bovens. L. 3, 61,139 Bowles, S. 216,229.R. Boyd, M. Brown, S. C. Brown, J. C. Bryce, J. Buchanan, C. Bulcaen, S. Burks, M. F. Bumyeat, G. Busino & C. Castelfranchi - 2008 - In Maria-Carla Galavotti, Reasoning, Rationality and Probability. CSLI Publications. pp. 289.
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    Informed Consent in Translational Genomics: Insufficient Without Trustworthy Governance.Wylie Burke, Laura M. Beskow, Susan Brown Trinidad, Stephanie M. Fullerton & Kathleen Brelsford - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (1):79-86.
    Neither the range of potential results from genomic research that might be returned to participants nor future uses of stored data and biospecimens can be fully predicted at the outset of a study. Informed consent procedures require clear explanations about how and by whom decisions are made and what principles and criteria apply. To ensure trustworthy research governance, there is also a need for empirical studies incorporating public input to evaluate and strengthen these processes.
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  49.  82
    Beauvoirian androgyny: Reflections on the androgynous world of fraternité in The Second Sex.Megan M. Burke - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (1):3-18.
    This article considers Beauvoir’s gesture towards fraternité at the end of The Second Sex (1949) by focusing on her fleeting characterisation of this future as ‘an androgynous world’. Generally, either Beauvoir’s call for fraternité is dismissed as an erasure of sexual difference and is thus seen to be politically bankrupt, or fraternité is understood to realise sexual difference. This latter reading suggests that androgyny plays no role in Beauvoir’s solution to women’s oppression, while the other view often sees it as (...)
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    Distant Views of the Holy Land. By Felicity Cobbing and David M. Jacobson.Burke O. Long - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (4).
    Distant Views of the Holy Land. By Felicity Cobbing and David M. Jacobson. Bristol, CT: Equinox, 2015. Pp. vi + 321, illus. $200. [Distributed by ISD, Bristol, CT].
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